February 8, 2022

The Adventures of Periwinkle and Stinky


Periwinkle paced back and forth in front of the Teleporation Tunnel.  She hoped Stinky remembered everything he was bringing and that he would arrive quietly.

With the familiar WOOSH, he stumbled out of the tunnel carefully balancing the items he brought with him.  "Thank COD the WOOSH was quiet," he said.  Periwinkle agreed and tip-toed over to help him with his things. "Does she suspect?" he asked.   Periwinkle said she was sure that they had done a great job with their secret.   She put her paw to her lips and quietly pointed to the cat tree.

The two moved to the other room and Periwinkle helped Stinky with his bag.  Periwinkle was sure that Reesie would never suspect what they were doing.  Since Stinky only came to her house on Tuesdays, they were celebrating Reesie's birthday one day early so they could both be there.

He handed Periwinkle a box which she carefully put on the table.  He said "Cooper Murphy sent this cake"   Periwinkle peeked inside and said it was beautiful and how impurressed she was by his skills.  "Mauricio sure was a great teacher," said Stinky. They kept the cake in the box until it was time to have it. Next, they hung up a banner in the dining room...

And set the party table...

They finished just as Reesie woke up from her nap.  Needless to say, she was surprised and thrilled that Periwinkle and Stinky would do all of this for her!  Periwinkle gave Reesie a party hat and started to put out the noms.

They had tuna cocktails...

Real Live Dead Shrimp....

Nip and tuna pizzas...

Periwinkle and Stinky giggled when they saw the "hairball" nip covered treats!

Finally, they unboxed the cake that Cooper Murphy made for Reesie.

They all Ooohed and ahhed at how beautiful the cake was and how purrfect it was for Reesie.

Periwinkle arranged for a band to come by and play happy birthday for Reesie.

The band played a few other songs before they left. Periwinkle and Stinky took the opportunity to dance. Gentleman that he is, Stinky also danced with Reesie.  Periwinkle's fursib Raz danced with Reesie and then with Perwinkle.

After a while, they were all tired and decided it was time to rest.  Periwinkle and Stinky brought a present for Reesie.  "Since you don't like regular treats, we brought you a package of Squeezies because we know you like them a lot" said Stinky.

Reesie thanked them and told them how much she enjoyed her party.  She said they were a sweet and cute couple which made them both smile and blush.  Reesie decided to have her squeezies in the winter scratcher house and Periwinkle and Stinky went outside to have some alone time and enjoy their own treats.

"I think we did a good job with Reesie's party today.  I am sure she was surprised and she appreciated everything we did" said Stinky.  Periwinkle told him she couldn't have done it alone and was so lucky to have such a helpful (and handsome) boyfriend.

After their snacks, the two settled in for a quick nap. They shared paw pats and whisker kisses and quickly fell asleep.   When they woke up it was time for Stinky to head home. Once again, he wished Reesie a happy birthday.  Blowing a kiss to Perwinkle, he stepped into the Teleportation Tunnel and headed home.

Periwinkle decided to find a sun puddle and dream of her next adventure with her special boyfriend.


easyweimaraner said...

you are the best party planners... and a happy birthday to reesie

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Sounds like quite a PARTY. We are on our way... The tunnel is there, we are swishing our tails. And here we come!

Lori is staying behind though... She'd not ready fer parties right now.

Katie Isabella said...

You two...mom and I looking forward to your adventure today, and what a perfect one it was for Reesie. I loved how beautiful the cake was. What a beauty. The planning was good and Reesie had no idea that she was to have a pawty! Real live dead shrimpies and hairball treats? Couldn't have hoped for better I'm sure! I loved the nip and tuna pizzas. If there's any left over...um...well...MY tunnel is working...hint hint.

Kitties Blue said...

What a great party. The noms were first rate, and we are so happy we were able to be part of Reesie’s birthday celebration. HAPPY BIRTHDAY REESIE πŸŽ‚πŸŽπŸ¨πŸ‘‘πŸŽˆfrom all the Kitties Blue and our mom and dad too! XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, angel Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer & Kizmet

pilch92 said...

Very pretty cake and cool party food. That was a sweet surprise. Happy Birthday Reesie! XO

Just Ducky said...

What a nice party.

Sandee said...

What a wonderful surprise for Reesie. Best Birthday ever. Oh the food. Wow.

♪♫Happy Birthday to you,♪♫
♪♫Happy Birthday to you,♪♫
♪♫Happy Birthday Dear Reesie,♪♫
♪♫Happy Birthday to you.♪♫

I always enjoy your adventures.

Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Scritches all around and my best to your wonderful moms. ♥

Pam and Teddy said...

Oh boy! What a wonderful party for Reesie! I think it's just fabulous that it was a SURPRISE party too...everyone likes those. Reesie will love her "present" - Squeezies are my favorite too!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR REESIE - I hope today is perfect from start to finish.

Love, Teddy

My Mind's Eye said...

Should you 2 tire of being famous novelist you have a future in Party Planning. Happy Bday Reesie
Hugs cecilia

Adorapurr said...

I am impressed by yoor amazing pawty planning. My birfday is in Octopurr. I will ask my meowmy to hire yoo for my pawty. Love, Dori

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Reesie. You are so fortunate to have such happy and helpful siblings.

Tyebe and Shoko

da tabbies o trout towne said...

happee earl lee birthday two ewe reesie !!!! heerz two 200 mor anda yeer a head filled with happeez, healtheez and lotz oh squeezeez ~~~~~

periwinkle and stinky ...984 PAwZ up for this way total lee kewl partee for reesie...ewe both did a grate job... and cooper... that cake iz de catz MEEOW =^..^= 984 pawz UP two ewe all sew ☺☺

fun add venturez two day guyz, for everee one !!!! ☺☺☺♥♥♥

catladymac said...

Happy Purrthday Reesie - and many more ! You are so lucky to have such good furiends and fursibs !

Brian's Home Blog said...

Awww, that was a super sweet party! Happy Birthday sweetest Reesie!

CRYSTAL said...

Sounds like a blast of a Birthday Party.
Happy Birthday & Many, Many More.
Crystal, Angel Tigger & Daisy Mae

meowmeowmans said...

What a wonderful party! Happy birthday, sweet Reesie!

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Wow, that was a great day you had together, setting up a surprise pawrty for Reesie!!
Can us pups come and helplick up all the leftovers?? BOL!