July 26, 2022

The Adventures of Periwinkle and Stinky


Periwinkle waited patiently by the Teleportation Tunnel for her special boyfriend Stinky.  She quietly groomed her furs, checked the area so he didn't bump into anything on the way out of the Tunnel and listened closely.  As soon as she heard the WOOSH, she positioned herself so he would tumble out right into her paws.  The two giggled, whisker kissed and paw patted.  They spent a little time snuggling and catching up on the week.  Both said how much they enjoyed last week's double celebration at Stinky's house and both mentioned how nice the Anniversary celebrations for Angel Mau and Angel Allie were at both of their blogs.  Click HERE if you missed the celebration at Stinky's.

"What's up for today?" asked Stinky.  Periwinkle reminded him that they had something special to do before their adventure.  They held paws and said "HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARV" since their pal Marv is celebrating his birthday today.  They hoped he liked the card they made him.  

Taking Stinky's paw, Periwinkle steered them both to the Teleportation Tunnel to start their Adventure.

"Wow, this looks like an amazing place with lots to see," said Stinky.  They headed right in to start their Adventure.

Right away they saw beautiful butterflies flitting around them.  So many gorgeous colors.                                          
They saw Birdwing butterflies...

Blue Morpho, which Stinky really liked since his name is Stinky Blue!  Periwinkle explained that the blue is not caused by pigmentation; it is actually caused by the way light reflects off of microscopic scales on the backs of the butterfly’s wings.

He teased Periwinkle that there wouldn't be any Spiegelhalter butterflies which made her frown so he quickly hugged her and said he was just kidding.  She smiled and hugged him back.  He could be silly sometimes but she loved him for it!

Next they spotted a Heliconius-hecale and oohed and ahh'd at how pretty it's wings were.

They walked a bit farther and saw a Piano Key butterfly...

Periwinkle told Stinky that they are found mostly in the tropics of South and Central America. The Piano Key is more commonly called the Postman butterfly,

Moving along the path, the two saw the research center where butterflies are raised and guests can see the different stages including eggs, caterpillars, and pupae.

Back outside, they watched as butterflies enjoyed bananas that were put out for them.  "Wow, I had no idea butterflies would eat regular food" said Stinky.

They enjoyed the coolness of the indoor gardens. As they strolled, Periwinkle told Stnky more about Butterfly World.

"Butterfly World is located in Tradewinds Park in Coconut Creek, Florida, United States. It opened in 1988, and is the largest butterfly park in the world, and the first park of its kind in the Western Hemisphere. The facility houses around 20,000 live butterflies.
After retiring from a career as electrical engineer, Ronald Boender started raising butterflies and their food plants in his home in Florida. In 1984 he established MetaScience to help supply farmed butterflies to zoos and universities. After having visited England in 1985, where he met Clive Farrell (founder and owner of the London Butterfly House), he decided to create his own facility in Florida. Boender and Ferrell entered into a partnership and started planning the facility, which was to be a public attraction, but also a research facility and a butterfly farm.

Butterfly World opened on March 28, 1988. Since then it has expanded to include the largest free-flight hummingbird aviary in the United States, a Lorikeet Encounter, and an aviculture research center."

Stinky was impurressed with how much Periwinkle knew about Butterfly World.  Paw in paw they continued their walk until Stinky spotted something and ran off.  Periwinkle rolled her eyes and wondered what mischief he was headed to.  "Stinky, please get down!  You're scaring me again!"

Stinky headed back to Periwinkle but not before he had to try walking on the Suspension bridge. 

It was getting warm so they decided to check out the gift shop for something for their Moms.  

They each chose a pretty butterfly ornament.

They checked out the Aviary sign but decided their pals the Tabbies of Trout Towne might not want to see BURDS!  Stinky laughed and said the sign spelled BURDS wrong and they giggled.

They did stop by to say hi to these little guys who were having their lunch!

"Speaking of lunch, my tummy is rumbling" said Stinky.  Periwinkle said hers was too so they headed back into the Teleportation Tunnel to go back to her house for snacks.

Heading out to the deck to enjoy their snacks, they talked about the butterflies and how important they are to our world.  They both knew that Monarch butterflies are now endangered and took some time to read more about them.

After their snack, they watched a video about Monarch butterflies.

Soon it was time for Stinky to leave for home.  Once again, they snuggled, whisker kissed and held paws until he had to go.  With a WOOOSH and while blowing one more kiss, Stinky was on his way home.   Periwinkle went to find her fursibs and tell them about her fun Adventure.


Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Butterflies are so pawsome to see! We see swallowtails here quite often, an all kinds of smaller ones. We have a lot of native plants here, but so far we haven;t seen monarchs, this year. There is a lot of milkweed I see when I go for a walk around here.
Its sad that they are now considered endangered.

Another great adventure, Periwinkle and Stinky!

(That was neat to see a news clip from the CBC...I grew up with that as our main source of news an music...and I was born in Toronto!)

Kitties Blue said...

Oh boy, we are first to find about the latest adventure. What a cool place. I know our friends in Trout Towne may not like burds, but all the blue ones on the chart were sure pretty. Our mom says she feels so sad for the Monarch butterflies. She hardly sees them anymore, except for a few in later summer on our butterfly bush or our neighbor’s. We are happy that Stinky wasn’t too naughty. Cheers for another great adventure! XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, angel Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer & Kizmet with love and whisker kisses to Noelle from Sawyer

Katie Isabella said...

I loved the adventure. I always do when I can get here to ebjoy them. XX And I will look at the video I had no idea that himans are killing off yet another species. IF that is what's happening. I'll go to the video.

Pam and Teddy said...

Now this is one fabulous adventure! We love butterflies - When Mom and I are on the front porch they will often fly under the porch where Mom is and fly very close to her (she says Angel Sammy is saying hi to her). They are so beautiful and graceful. That Butterfly Center is quite a magical place!

Hugs, Teddy

Susan from Bucks County said...

Thanks for taking us along your fun and informative adventure. The butterflies are beautiful. Can't wait for next week's adventure.

My Mind's Eye said...

What an excellent post on buttie pillars!! I love them.
Hugs Cecilia

Sandee said...

Happy Birthday Marv. He rocks.

Oh what a fun adventure today. I wish I could have gone along with you. Butterflies are so beautiful and precious.

Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Scritches to the kitties and a hug to mom. ♥

catladymac said...

What a great adventure !

We wonder how come the same butterfly can be botha "piano key" and a "postman"

Brian's Home Blog said...

Such a wonderful place to see and I'm glad you two sweeties had a fun time. We love butterflies too!

pilch92 said...

That sounds like a fun date. They were lucky they were allowed inside. :) We have a butterfly place about an hour away that is fun to visit. XO

Marvelous Marv said...

Hi Periwinkle! Hi Stinky! Thanks for stopping by my Birthday Pawty! I am so glad that you made it and your adventure to the butterfly place is totally pawsome! What a great place! Thanks for taking us there! Keeo being AWESOME! And I was happy to see your alyter egos (Noelle and Sawyer) and Raz and Reesie too! Purrs Marv

Lone Star Cats said...

What pretty butterflies!

meowmeowmans said...

What an amazing adventure you two had. We are big butterfly lovers here, too!