October 24, 2023

The Adventures of Periwinkle and Stinky


Periwinkle sat by the Teleportation Tunnel waiting for her boyfriend, Stinky, to arrive.  They had a lot to do today and she hoped he would be on time.  She didn't have to wait long for the Tunnel to rumble, shake and propel Stinky out right into her waiting paws.

The tabbies spent some time whisker kissing, paw patting and snuggling before Periwinkle told Stinky they had a lot to do and should get started.  Stinky knew some of what she had planned and agreed.  Giggling, they both hurried to change.

In unison, they both said "We had so much fun having our friends pick out our Halloween costumes last year that we thought we should do the same thing this year.  We hope lots of our friends leave comments saying which ones we should wear."

Always the gentlemancat, Stinky let Periwinkle go first.

1.  Bat

2. Kitty

3. Peacock

4. Spider

Encouraged by Periwinkle, Stinky went next...

1.  Octopus

2. Gnome

3. Cow

4. Bear

Laughing at their costumes, they both quickly got back into their furs for the next part of their Adventure which was the annual trip to see Walter and the black cats.

As they approached the house, they were met with the newest guards Shadow and Freddy.  

"Hi Periwinkle and Stinky," said Shadow.  "We knew you were coming today so you can head right down to the house.  Walter is expecting you."   The two thanked the guards and made their way to the house.

Having been here before, they were not scared when they saw the eyes peering out of the windows.  Walter came to the door and greeted them with paw hugs.  He explained that all of the kitties they met last year were adopted but, sadly, there were many more he was sheltering this year.  They were happy for the ones that found homes and couldn't wait to meet the newest residents.

Suddenly, Periwinkle let out a loud "SQUEEE" and ran to the first room.  Following her, Stinky saw that there were Mom cats with kittens.

Walter explained that the Moms and kittens would stay with him until the kittens were old enough to be adopted.  He would make sure they had good, safe homes.

Periwinkle and Stinky wandered through the house and saw the older kittens.  They spent some time playing with them and assuring them that Walter would make sure they had great lives.

Stinky stopped to meow with two fursibs who were just "hanging around"  the house.

Eventually, Walter returned with his list.  He was apologetic that there were so many items on it and said he didn't list quantities of treats and "extras" because he knew green papers were tight for all but they would appreciate whatever the two tabbies could bring him.
Periwinkle and Stinky said goodbye to the black cats and to Walter.  They promised to return with his requests.

Back at Periwinkle's house, they visited with her fursibs and her Mom and spent some time whisker kissing and paw patting.  They hoped they could get a lot of the items on Walter's list.  With one last whisker kiss, Stinky headed back into the Teleportation Tunnel to return home.

Periwinkle and Stinky hope you will vote for your favorite costume.  Please leave your answer in the comments.



Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

LOve the penguin costume, Periwinkle, and the cow looks great on Stinky!
There sure were a LOT of kittens at Walter's House. I hope he gets lots of help with his list.

easyweimaraner said...

that is super nice to help walter and the kitties...

Lynn and Precious said...

I really vote for the peacock costume. And I love the haunted house picture. And so many black cats, how beautiful they all are and hope everybody does have a good home.

Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat (Katherine Kern) said...

Black cats are so gorgoeus!

We like the peacock (closely followed by the bat) and the octopus!

TurtleLover said...

Periwinkle = bat , Stinky = Gnome
ok that's my vote 😀

Brian's Home Blog said...

Those were all fun costumes and we enjoyed your fun times today!

Kitties Blue said...

Mom agrees with Turtle Lover. Those are her picks for costumes as well. It really was a difficult choice. Mom thinks she better rent a U-Haul for next week’s adventure. Sawyer sends love and whisker kisses to Noelle. XOCK, angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh

Sandee said...

Peacock and Gnome are my picks. Adorable and fun.

Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Scritches to the kitties and a hug to your moms. ♥

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

You all had quite a busy day! And hurray for the shopping list...

We have some old blankies and towels fur the local shelter too.

Susan from Bucks County said...

Peacock and Gnome are my picks.
can't wait to see what you will wear for Halloween!

Katie Isabella said...

The bat and the bear. Stinky in the Bear...

Mom and I love seeing all the eyes blinking in the house! Scary.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

P and S…

R votez iz for spy durr and octo pus! and we gotta
add it, de peacock coztoom iz prettee kewl !😺

N wavez two ewe walter, we all wayz N joy see in ewe
each yeer and de kittehz az well and we send de best
of everee type oh fizh in sea, that ewe all findz yur
for everz.

Awesum add venturez two day guyz !!!!! happee week
a head 🕷🦑🐟💚

pilch92 said...

Great costumes, although the cow looks more like a skunk. :) XO

messymimi said...

Bat and Octopus get my vote. Two of my favorite creatures, although I also like spiders and had a hard time choosing there.

I love the visit to the black cat house. Is this a shelter, or an individual who takes in black cats and finds them homes?

meowmeowmans said...

Ha! The spider and the octopus were our faves! That was SO much fun, you two!

The Oceanside Animals said...

Charlee: "We have to vote for #3, because it is tuxedo like us!"

My Mind's Eye said...

All excellent the Gnome is my favorite
Hugs Cecilia

pilch92 said...

I like the bat and the octopus. :) XO