November 7, 2023

The Adventures of Periwinkle and Stinky


Periwinkle was waiting by the Teleportation Tunnel grooming her furs.  She was up early because the clocks had changed that weekend and she got an extra hour of sleep.  Instead of the usual 12 - 16 hours that cats sleep, she got 17!  She didn't understand why the humans didn't like the time change since any extra napping time was appreciated.

Suddenly the Tunnel began to shake and out popped Stinky landing right into her waiting paws.  They spent some time whisker kissing and hugging and, finally, Stinky asked what they were doing that day.  "It's purrfect that you asked me while we were hugging because today is Hug A Bear Day!  I know we're not bears and I sure prefer hugging YOU but I thought it would be fun to search for some bears and hug them.  Stinky blushed and smiled since he liked hugging her too.

Periwinkle went on to explain that National Hug a Bear Day is observed Every year on November 7.  She added that you are not advised to go out and embrace real bears on this day; it will be exceedingly risky and might not end well. which made them both giggle again. Hug a Bear Day was designed to raise awareness about the advantages of hugging.

The two set out to find some bears to hug. Immediately, Stinky said they should hug this little guy because he looked so friendly...

They both ran to this bear too since he looked so cute...

Periwinkle went on to explain "the Teddy Bear, came about in 1902. The classic story goes that the American President at the time, Theodore (Teddy) Roosevelt, was hunting and refused to shoot a baby bear that he and his hunting companions came across. His companions thought him a bit “soft” and the name Teddy Bear was coined."

Stinky said not everybody had a bear of their own and Periwinkle said you can always go to a store or to one of the places where you build bears to create your own.

Periwinkle added "You can always make fun Teddy Bear food and have a picnic.  Here's a fun recipe...
  • Teddy Bear Sandwiches. Have a picnic and make it much more fun with these bear-shaped sandwiches. Simply cut sandwich bread into large circles (a normal glass or canning jar works), then use the scraps to cut three smaller circles. Spread hummus on the bread, then stick two small bread circles at the top for ears and top with a slice of cucumber. Add a top to the sandwich, then create the face with a bread circle, another cucumber slice, and some black olives. Delicious and fun!

The Tabbies spotted a wagon full of bears and both ran to it and jumped in to hug all the bears...

Both Periwinkle and Stinky said "Let's hope all our friends find a bear to hug today."

Periwinkle got very serious and said there was one more thing they needed to tell their friends about.  "This month is Pet Cancer Awareness Month.  My fursib, Angel Raz had Lymphoma and we want to make sure everyone knows the signs.

9 Common Types of Pet Cancer
Splenic (spleen) cancer
Bone or joint cancer
Hepatic (liver) cancer
Thoracic (chest) cancer
Bladder cancer
Anal sac cancer
Oral cancer
Brain or spinal cord cancer.

13 Warning Signs of Pet Cancer
Loss of appetite or difficulty eating.
Rapid weight loss.
Diarrhea and/or vomiting.
Loss of interest in playing or exercising.
Difficulty with stool or urination, or changes in stool frequency.
Abnormal stiffness.
Severe lethargy.
Unusually strong/foul odors.
Blood coming from mouth or rectum.
Increased thirst and urination.
Respiratory changes.
Abnormally firm swelling.
Masses along the jaw or tooth line.

It was almost time for Stinky to head home so they spent time hugging, whisker kissing and paw patting.  Stinky visited with Periwinkle's fursibs and then entered the Teleportation Tunnel for his trip home.  Periwinkle found a sunpuddle and started dreaming about hugging her sweet boyfriend again soon.


Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Awww, we love seeing petcretary's Teddys! But she won't let us play with them...

We are not entirely sure but we think perhaps Pipo had was not diagnosed for certain, but the vet thought it was quite possible. (He had other issues due to his age as well...)

easyweimaraner said...

oooh we love the story about the teddy bear... and we loved the movie... and we love the teddy bear song by da king...

Lynn and Precious said...

What a wonderful teddy bear trip. Thanks for all the teddy bear pictures and you two look just perfect. Unfortunately we have an angel Kitty who had cancer, why it has to strike our pets who knows.

Kitties Blue said...

What a great day. Our home is full of stuffed bears and Mom plans to hug a few today. Stinky enjoyed all that hugging, Made him feel warm and happy. He thanks Periwinkle for a wonderful day and sends love and paw hugs. Sawyer sends love and paw hugs to Noelle. We had at least three cats pass from cancer and two were Lymphoma like Raz. Remembering them all today. XOCK, angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh

da tabbies o trout towne said...

P & S…what a fun filled grate post two day! we wanna give 984 pawz UP two prez a dent Roosevelt,
that him dee sided knot two shootz de bear iz awesum…tho we will bee de furst two add mit, bearz
like ta steel R salmon all de time….we will hug a reel teddy bear two day anda salmon two nite….πŸ˜ΊπŸ’™πŸŸπŸ€‼️

da tabbies o trout towne said...

raz…..we lovez ewe dood πŸ’™πŸ’š

Sandee said...

What a beautiful adventure. I love all the wonderful information too.

I linked this post to Happy Tuesday.

Have a fabulous day. Scritches all around and a hug to your moms. ♥

The Oceanside Animals said...

Java Bean: "Ooh, look at all those stuffies!"
Chaplin: "Thank you for helping spread the word about pet cancer. Our beloved brother Dennis had osteosarcoma in his hip and so we hate that C word!"

My Mind's Eye said...

What Bearry Fun day. When my daughter was younger we had such fun at Build a Bear Store. then years later I went by myself to build a bear for my a baby shower. It was a hit too. Mom and Dad were both runners. The bear had on a track suit
Hugs Cecilia

Katie Isabella said...

YOu two brought us a wonderful story and some need-to-know information about cancer in pets. XXX

pilch92 said...

That was a sweet date. Cancer is awful for pets and people. XO

Brian's Home Blog said...

Those Teddy Bears are almost as cute as you two are!

meowmeowmans said...

Aww, that was fun! Those bears are ALMOST as cute as you, Periwinkle and Stinky.

Cancer is horrible. Our Angels Zoe and Maggie had it, too.

messymimi said...

Hugs are healthy! I don't have a bear, but I do have a small, cute as a button black bat with pink ears, and I think he wants a hug, too.

Pam and Teddy said...

What a FUN adventure - hugging a bear is Mom has a couple of bears and they're smaller than I am so very huggable. We think cancer in animals and humans is a very sad thing to have to deal with - regular checkups and keeping an eye out for signs is truly important! Sending lots of hugs to the Dynamic Duo for sharing their fun HUG A BEAR day!

Love, Teddy