August 13, 2024

The Adventures of Periwinkle and Stinky


Periwinkle waited by the Teleportation Tunnel for Stinky's arrival.  She hoped he would be on time because they had a long trip ahead of them.  She shouldn't have worried because the Tunnel began to shake and with a WOOSH he tumbled out right into her waiting paws.  With a quick whisker kiss, she lead him back into the Tunnel and set the coordinates for the trip to their destination.

They quickly arrived and Periwinkle explained where they were.

"Today we're visiting a retirement village for cats.  It's called Moogies Retirement Village and we're in Shropshire England.  The shelter was intended to create an area for cats who were too elderly or had ongoing health conditions that needed regular treatment and monitoring to live out their days in comfort. The charity has been rescuing and rehoming cats in the Shropshire area since 1989. Cats in the sanctuary are usually in their later years, but there are others as young as three. It's a great option for people who have to go into a nursing home and can't take their pets with them" she explained.

Stinky agreed that there is a real need for a place like this.  Paw in paw, they walked around the grounds.  They were immediately met by a sweet ginger kitty named Monty who welcomed them.

The Tabbies introduced themselves to some of the residents.  First, they met Pip

Then they met Sam, Jinkxie and Flora...

Stinky realized he and Jinkxie had a lot in common when he saw her on the roof.  Of course, he had to join her.

When he jumped to an adjoining roof, Periwinkle had to put her paw down.

Stinky apologized and they continued their tour.  Periwinkle went on to say "The Retirement Village is the ‘purrfect’ place for senior and super senior residents to enjoy their twilight years in comfort, with cuddles and fuss. They are weighed weekly to monitor for changes that could indicate health concerns. Any concerns the volunteers have are highlighted for the vet to check on their weekly visit."  They agreed that the little village looked super nice.

"Being that old cats, much like old humans, tend to be set in their ways, their arrival at the retirement community is often a little stressful, and so they’re locked in a cottage for about two weeks to become accustomed to the new environment."

They couldn't resist a quick nap with a couple of the residents...
Periwinkle said, "I know it would be fun to stay here with the kitties longer but we need to return to my house because we have other things to do."  They said goodbye to the residents and got back into the Teleportation Tunnel to go back to Periwinkle's house.

When they arrived at Periwinkle's house, she reminded him that tomorrow is World Lizard Day.  The two reminisced about their Lizard Adventure when they got to see some lizards at her house.

"Noelle tells me she tries to catch lizards to send to Sawyer but our Mom keeps letting them loose" said Periwinkle.  Both tabbies thought that was a waste of a good lizard.

Heading to the back porch for a snack, Stinky told Periwinkle that August 16 is Tell a Joke Day. The two had fun sharing some cat jokes...
Stinky:  "What kind of cats teach college classes"
Periwinkle: "Purr-fessors"

Periwinkle: "What do cats call a nice dinner?"
Stinky: "A Fancy Feast"

Stinky:  What's a Cat's favorite dessert?"
Periwinkle: "A mice cream cone"

The tabbies laughed at their jokes and enjoyed their snack.  Soon it was time for Stinky to head home.  They spent some time whisker kissing and paw patting and, with a woosh and one last whisker kiss, he headed home.  Periwinkle went to find her fursibs to share some of their funny jokes with them.


easyweimaraner said...

that is a super good place.... and we love this little houses... what a wonderful idea...

Leah said...

What a delightful place for those older kitties! They are such sweet animals. That's a long journey for Stinky and Periwinkle, all the way to England!

Pam and Teddy said...

The retirement village is a brilliant idea.....older cats can be safe and sheltered and regularly cared for and given the dignity they deserve after a long life. LOVE IT. We also loved the jokes and I know Teddy will be celebrating Lizard Day (although he will call it SKINKS Day!) !! What a wonderful adventure.......

Hugs, Pam

Lynn and Precious said...

Whata trip those two take! Love seeing them visit with other kitties while at the cute mini houses.

Brian's Home Blog said...

WOW! Thanks for taking us along on this very special trip. Those sweeties are sure well cared for and it is so deserved.

The Oceanside Animals said...

Chaplin: "A safe place for cats to retire when they can't stay in their homes anymore? What a great idea, we love it!"

Kitties Blue said...

That retirement village for cats is such a wonderful idea. Our mom says that if she ever comes into any money (as Teddy would say, “tee hee,”) she’d like to open such a place here. Stinky was delighted he could do a little climbing. The calico on the bench looks like our Angel sisfur, Lily Olivia. Sawyer keeps waiting for Noelle to slip a Lizard in the mail. He sends her purrs, whisker kisses and all his love. XOCK, angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh

Sandee said...

What a fabulous retirement village. Bravo. This needs to be done in many places around the world. You two do the most fun adventures.

Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Scritches to the kitties and a hug to your moms. ♥

My Mind's Eye said...

What a lovely post about the Retirement Village. They have a beautiful catIco and lots of nice napping spots.
Another great trip
Hugs cecilia

Katie Isabella said...

Oh, this is the best idea EVER! I love it. I wish we had one in every town! Good the two sweethearts got to go and make the acquaintance of the Village cats!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

p and s…manee an add venturez TT haz been on with ewe both and me and de gurl gotta say thiz iz one oh de best .😺‼️ how total lee kewl ewe were abe bull ta vizit de UK, how epic lee kewl iz maggie’s place, wavez two ewe all ther, we send de best oh fizhez two each oh ewe,….and yur jokez haz uz crackin UP…πŸ’™πŸ˜ΊπŸ’šπŸ˜ΊπŸŸ‼️😺

Susan from Bucks County said...

What a wonderful place for the retired kitties. Enjoyed your jokes!!

pilch92 said...

I would love to open a place like that in my area. XO

messymimi said...

What a happy adventure! The whole thing made me smile.

catladymac said...

What a great place ! Thank you for taking us along on your visit !

meowmeowmans said...

Thank you for taking us along to see such a loving and special place for those elderly kitties.

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

That sort of shelter should be promoted on this side of the pond, too!!