September 10, 2024

The Adventures of Periwinkle and Stinky


As she always did on Tuesdays, Periwinkle woke up early to make sure her furs were groomed and to be waiting at the Teleportation Tunnel for her fiance, Stinky's, arrival.  Soon the Tunnel shook and, with a WOOSH, he tumbled out into her waiting paws.  They paw patted and whisker kissed and she took him by the paw and brought him back to the Tunnel.  "So many of our friends commented about visiting Cat Museums last week with the Fill-ins so we're going to visit another one today" she said.  He smiled, always happy just to be with Periwinkle, and they headed into the Tunnel to start their Adventure.

They quickly reached their destination.  Periwinkle explained, "We're at the Casa de Gatos Museum which is located in Lloret de Mar, in Girona , and is an old fisherman's cottage facing the beach."
Stinky gasped at the giant cat head over the door.  They both giggled and said the cat looked like a large Ginger Tabby similar to Stinky's brofur Cooper Muphy and their good friend Teddy. (We hope they don't take offense since the cat is cute and smiling).

They were amazed at how large the museum was inside.  They were greeted warmly by the owner who explained that she was not allowed to have a cat when she was growing up because the family moved a lot so she collected cat items which led to the museum.  At the time of the museum’s opening, she and her husband had more than 12,000 objects that united their two passions, cats and art. That is why they decided to open this surprising gallery. The permanent exhibition displays around a third of the 12,000 objects!

Paw in paw, they wandered through the museum consisting of three floors of cat collectibles.  

Stinky made friends with this kitty at the sewing machine...

Periwinkle made friends with this one on a bike...

They both enjoyed seeing this cute guy with his fish...

Of course, Stinky had to run up the stairs to see the next floor which was okay with Periwinkle until he decided to slide down the banister!

Periwinkle rolled her eyes and Stinky could tell by her expression that she was a little unhappy with his behavior.  That didn't stop him from climbing the stairs to the outside patio though.

Not wanting to upset Periwinkle, he came down and took her paw again to see what else there was.  They entered a room filled with displays of kitties of all kinds...

Both tabbies were amazed when they saw this large Tuxie!  Periwinkle said  "Do you think he would like to come to our wedding?  He's certainly dressed for it."

"Wow, do you think we'll have a collection of cat things like this when we're married?" asked Stinky.  Periwinkle said she thought it would take some time but hoped they could.  Secretly, she wondered how she would keep all of those little figures clean!

They found the gift shop and, as always, they decided to bring something home to their Moms.

They both decided on a couple of cute postcards they thought their Moms would like.

Periwinkle had more information on the museum.  "The museum features a variety of art, antiques, and other exhibits related to cats, including paintings, sculptures, and even everyday items with feline themes. The collection includes toys from the former Soviet Union, coins, telephones, glasses, costumes, and jewelry.  There are also works of porcelain, glass and bronze, teapots, and embroidery, as well as paintings of different styles, origins, and authors (some of them dating back to the 17th century). Not to mention the selection of 4,000 postcards that make up the collection and a good sample of posters from different periods, most of them advertising, in which the protagonists are cats."  Stinky was impurressed with how well she researched the museum.

The tabbies stopped for a cup of nip tea and some snacks with one of the cats...

Soon it was time for them to return to Periwinkle's house.  They entered the Teleportation Tunnel paw in paw and were quickly transported to her house.  They spent time whisker kissing, paw patting and talking about their wedding.  They still did not have a date picked out but they were very excited about planning their special day.  Periwinkle said the house Stinky bought would be purrfect for a nice collection too.

Stinky needed to head home so he took his postcards, blew one last whisker kiss, and, with a WOOSH, headed home.  Periwinkle decided to check out some videos of the Casa de Los Gatos.  You can see them too!


Leah said...

Wow! Really 😎 cool cat museum, there!

easyweimaraner said...

oh how wonderful... a place for all things kittycat... that is a super thing!!!

Lynn and Precious said...

Meow meow meow. Take me there please.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Such a wonderful place with so many wonderful kitty things!

Sandee said...

I want to visit here. What a fun place to explore. You two do the coolest things.

Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Scritches to the kitties and my best to your moms. ♥

My Mind's Eye said...

I liked the cute guy with the fish too.
Hugs CEcilia

Pam and Teddy said...

WOW.....what an amazing place that was to visit - so many incredible collections of fun cat-related things!!! I think my Mom would never be able to leave if she went there. LOL

Hugs, Teddy

da tabbies o trout towne said...

P and S ‼️ ewe had me at fishermanz cottage on de beech and de gurl when her seed de gie unt cat head…how…total lee kewl iz thiz add venturez 🐟🐟
bet ewe can guezz what iz my fav o rite peace….a cat could spend all day
ther checkin out stuff N slidin on ban iz turz 😺 thatz one awesum pawsum mew seum….wunder wear they keepz all de other goodz…N eye bet if ewe asked de tuxie, him WOOD bee at yur wedding 🐟💚‼️thanx for sharin thiz 💙

Katie Isabella said...

WOW! You two find the best places to tour and visit. I am sure glad you take us along too.

Susan from Bucks County said...

Another fun place. Thanks for taking us! (and I didn't have to fly!)

messymimi said...

What a fun place to visit! Spain has so many fascinating places, I'd love to visit.

meowmeowmans said...

That looks like the most amazing, cat-tastic place ever, Periwinkle and Stinky! Thanks for taking us along on the tour!

pilch92 said...

So many cool things. I wish it wasn't so far away.

The Oceanside Animals said...

Chaplin: "Best museum ever!"

Peachy, Stippie, Angel Binky and Granny said...

What a great place, Periwinkle and Stinky. We also loved how you showed us all the cool kitty things😻Double Pawkisses for a Happy Day🐾😽💞