September 24, 2024

The Adventures of Periwinkle and Stinky

 Periwinkle excitedly paced back and forth in front of the Teleportation Tunnel.  She couldn't wait to see her handsome fiance, Stinky.  She didn't have to wait long because Stinky was always punctual and the Tunnel began to shake right at the appointed time.  With a WOOSH, Stinky flew out into her waiting paws.  After paw patting and whisker kissing Stinky asked what the plan for the day was.  Periwinkle said they were getting back into the Tunnel for a short trip to Orlando.  Stinky took her paw and off the went.

The two arrived at their destination quickly.  Stinky smiled when he saw where they were.  "This is cool, I've always wanted to visit a Cat Cafe" he exclaimed.  

Bongo, the resident House Kitty, immediately greeted the tabbies.  

Bongo told Periwinkle and Stinky that all of the cats they would see are adoptable but he is a permanent resident.  He told them he loves attention and pointed to a sign.

Bongo told Periwinkle and Stinky that the café is divided into two sections: one for the café itself, where your Mom or Dad can purchase beverages and snacks, and another section dedicated to the cats, where guests can spend time petting, playing with, and getting to know the cats. It's a great place for those who may not be able to have pets at home but still want to enjoy the company of cats. The Kitty Beautiful also hosts events like yoga with cats and trivia nights.  They were impurressed and decided to wander around to meet the other kitties.  Bongo told them to come get him if they had questions and they set out to explore the Cafe.

Of course, they headed right to the area where the cats were.  They knew their Moms would enjoy the Cafe part but they wanted to meet the kitties.

Stinky HAD to climb something and Periwinkle was glad it was a cat tree that was meant for climbing!

They saw lots of toys and beds and tunnels for the kitties waiting to be adopted.

Having done her research, Periwinkle told Stinky more about the Cafe.  "Typically, there are 12–15 cats available at any time, all of which are adoptable through the café's rescue partners. If a visitor is interested in adopting a cat, the café assists with the adoption process in collaboration with local shelters. Cats are spayed/neutered, vaccinated, and checked by a vet before they’re made available for adoption. The Kitty Beautiful helps spread awareness about the importance of adopting rather than buying pets and encourages visitors to consider giving these cats a furever home."

Periwinkle stopped to chat with a pretty Tabby who was lounging on a catnip mat.

Always the scamp, Stinky ran off to play with a spring toy.  

Bongo came back to check on the two and told them that over 800 kitties had been adopted from the Cafe.  They were so happy to hear that.  Of course, they had to find something to bring their Moms so they found these cute signs (although they thought it should say catS!)

They took a quick peek at the cafe and knew their Moms would LOVE to visit and enjoy the various snacks available.

"Speaking of Noms...I'm starving" said Stinky.  One of the residents heard them and offered to share his noms with them but they decided to wait to get to Periwinkle's house.

They giggled at this sign...

and admired the mug with a plant.

They thanked Bongo for showing them around, hopped into the Teleportation Tunnel and headed back to Periwinkle's house.  They opted for a snack on the back porch before Stinky had to go home.

A quick nap, some whisker kissing and paw patting and Stinky stepped into the Teleportation Tunnel to head home.  He blew one last whisker kiss and was on his way.

Periwinkle found her fursibs and Mom and told them all about the fun time she and Stinky had at the Cafe.  

Have you ever been to a cat cafe?  If so, tell us about it in the comments.


Leah said...

A very 😎 cool cat cafe! How marvelous that they've helped so many cats be adopted! Good tour, kitties!

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Wow, that was a great place to visit! I wish we had a kitty cafe here...there is one about 30 miles from here...but I haven't been there., 800 kitties adopted!! That is amazing! Lets hope for 800 more! and more even!!

easyweimaraner said...

what a super place... and we are sure all people read that chart and so the kitties are happy efurry day..