October 22, 2024

The Adventures of Periwinkle and Stinky


Periwinkle excitedly waited by the Teleportation for the arrival of her fiance, Stinky.  They were going to do something today that was a fun tradition and she knew Stinky would be on time.  Sure enough, the Tunnel began to shake and the familiar WOOSH sent Stinky right into her waiting paws.  The spent time whisker kissing, catching up and paw patting.  Stinky knew they had to get on their way so, paw in paw, they re-entered the Tunnel for their destination.

Yes, they are making their traditional visit to Walter and the Black Cats.

As soon as they arrived, they were greeted by some of the residents who were watching them from the house's windows.  They were told that the usual guards, Shadow and Freddy, were on patrol but would stop by to say hello when they were done.

Of course, it didn't take long before Stinky heard Periwinkle's "SQUEEE" and he knew right away that she found the newest litter of kittens.  Stinky joined her and they spent some time with the kittens and their mom.  They were so lucky to be born in the safe environment the Walter had created.

The tabbies giggled when they saw these kittens "in training" in their litter box.

As they walked around the house chatting with the other residents, Stinky suddenly dashed off.  Rolling her eyes, Periwinkle knew he was up to something.  Sure enough, she found him up in a tree with a new friend.

Sighing, Periwinkle said, "Stinky, please get down, I don't want you falling out of that tree."  Sheepishly he got down and apologized.  

They wandered around and found some kitties hanging out by the window.  They were thrilled to finally meet the famous Periwinkle and Stinky and told them how much they appreciated all they did to help Walter.

As they visited, Walter caught up with them and told them how glad he was to see them.  They mentioned how much they admired his decorations.  "I try to show that black cats are not scary or evil but sweet and friendly" he said.

Walter added, "Halloween can be a risky time for black cats, as they are often associated with superstitions and myths that can lead to harm or mistreatment."  Periwinkle and Stinky agreed that it was very important any time of year but even more so at Halloween.  Sadly, they knew that black cats are the last to be adopted at shelter.

Stinky asked Walter if he had a list for them.  He apologized that it was the same as last year but things were more expensive and he appreciated anything they could bring.

Walter had to leave but told them to stay as long as they would like.   He told them to stop by the feeding area and enjoy a snack with some of the permanent residents.  Since their tummies were rumbling, they decided that was a great idea.

Periwinkle took a photo in the cool cat bed before they left.

It was time to leave.  Periwinkle and Stinky left a note for Walter telling him they would be back next week with the items on his list.  

Waving goodbye to their new friends, they entered the Teleportation Tunnel and headed back to Periwinkle's house.  They snuggled for a while, whisker kissed and held paws and took a short nap in a sun puddle.  Stinky said hi to Periwinkle's fursibs and her Mom and then hopped back into the Tunnel to return home.  Periwinkle smiled to herself already planning on ordering the items from the wish list to bring to Walter next week.


Little Miss Titch said...

My Mummy had a black kitty, she said he was awesome. She was very sad when he had to cross the rainbow bridge xoxo Little Miss Titch

easyweimaraner said...

we love the black panther kitties and we hope they all have a safe howloween... hugs to all ...