March 2, 2018

Dr Seuss and Friendly Fill-ins

First we wanted to share a photo we have of Raz, Gracie and Angel Sammy.  We love this one!

This is Noelle's first Dr. Seuss Day and she wanted to be the classic Cat In The Hat! 

Help yourself to some Dr. Seuss party noms...
Green Eggs and Ham...

Thing 1 and Thing 2 Cupcakes

Cat in the Hat parfaits....

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!!

We're pawticipating in Friendly Fill-ins sponsored by McGuffy's Reader and 15 and Meowing.

We're taking turns answering.   First Allie, next Raz, then Mom and finally Noelle.

1. My favorite Dr. Seuss book is __The Cat In the Hat (of course!)___.
2. The most interesting person I have ever met is  Mom because she can make magic and our noms appear!____.
3. Besides books by Dr. Seuss, my favourite book as a child was     The Pokey Little Puppy Goldenbook (I still have it!)   .
4. Lately, I have been working on    getting the floofy cat Allie to like me            .

See you tomorrow for Dr. Seuss Day!


easyweimaraner said...

green eggs and ham... I'm on my way... happy birthday to the funniest dogtor!

Brian's Home Blog said...

You are a Seuss cutie! Happy Seuss Day everyone!

edie said...

Happy Dr.Suess day! I'll have some green eggs please, but I'm not crazy about ham. Not in a box, not with a fox. Maybe with a cat, I might like that, especially one wearing a hat.

ZOOLATRY said...

Noelle said well, my first time to play ...
Oh yes, said Raz, you must play on Seuss day ...
And Allie chimed in, let's all have fun, grab a toy ...
eat some treats, meow out loud, and this day ENJOY!

Kitties Blue said...

You all are super cute in your Seuss attire. Noelle, we sure hope you do get Allie to like you. Sawyer is facing the same thing around here...not really popular with the girls! Mau sends his precious Cat in the Hat Allie, all his love and oodles of smooches. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

My Mind's Eye said...

Yummmm green eggs and ham make me say thank you Ma'am
Green eggs and ham and hop on pop were my sis's favorite Dr. Seuss books
Hugs Madi Raz's gal

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

That collage of all of you all decked out in Dr. Seuss hats and ties is wonderful. And we think Noelle honored Dr. Seuss very well.

Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

Josie Two Shoes said...

The Cat in the Hat was the first Dr. Seuss book for many of us, and I still love it! I remember The Pokey Little Puppy too! It is amazing how moms can make those treats appear. My furkids run to the kitchen first thing each morning, knowing they will have treats before I have breakfast. :-) Noelle looked adorable as the Cat in the Hat, and those green eggs and ham actually looked pretty good too! Smoky, our newest furkid tries his best to get Gracie and Tiggy to like him, but mostly they put up with his playful antics and wait for him to grow up and settle down a bit! :-)

Sandee said...

How fun and thanks for all the food too. I enjoyed some of each.

Have a purrfect day and weekend. My best to your mom. ♥

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Love those green deviled eggs!! Yum! Actually Dr.Seuss Day is TODAY......(you mentioned "tomorrow")

da tabbies o trout towne said...

guyz...thiz post ROCKS!!!!!!!!! noe ifz ore buttz green eggz N ham iz epic !!!!!! way kewl....984 pawz up for this ~~~~ ♥♥♥☺☺☺☺

The Swiss Cats said...

Happy Dr. Seuss Day ! Purrs

Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat (Katherine Kern) said...

Few authors are as fun to read as Dr. Seuss! We think Noelle makes an adorable Cat in The Hat!

pilch92 said...

Noelle makes a great Cat in the Hat. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I had the same answer for #1 :) I call my mom the Pokey Little Puppy.XO

The Island Cats said...

What a fun party! Happy Dr. Seuss Day!

Anonymous said...

Noelle I think Allie DOES like you - she's just afraid to show it. She's been "top girl" there and might not be crazy about sharing Raz with you!! Hope you all had a fun Dr. Seuss Day......we did!

Love, Teddy

Unknown said...

OMG! I love that green eggs and ham! I want to try it.
Mary (Cactus Catz)

Anonymous said...

Noelle makes a great Cat in the Hat! I did stop by on Dr Seuss Day and helped myself to some noms. We just have such a terrible time commenting on the tablet...glares at Mom
So I will thank you now or the great foodables!

Anonymous said...

This was fun! You are all so creative! And, Noelle! You look adorable. Hugs.