September 11, 2023

Patriot Day Sparks

We will never forget...

By FAR the day that stands out to most of us in history is 9/11/01. We will never forget where we were that day... what we were doing when we heard... 
Mom and Dad had just returned from a cruise to Alaska.  Dad's brother and a friend were here because they took care of us while Mom and Dad were away.  The TV was on and someone said a plane crashed into the World Trade Center.  Mom immediately called Auntie El who still lived in New Jersey to tell her. Together they all watched the second plane crash into the second tower.  For days after that, Mom says she just remembers silence and numbness. Everyone seemed to whisper, everyone was polite... it was strange. No airplanes in the sky. Constant reminders that life would never be the same again... Even though life eventually got back to normal, even though it was a new normal, America had been changed. We will never forget. 

A friend of Mom's took this photo in New York right after 9/11.   So many people searching for their loved ones...

Where were you when you heard?

Our prayers are with the families who lost loved ones in the Towers, at the Pentagon and in the field in Pennsylvania.Even though McGuffy's reader is taking a break, we are continuing our Monday Sparks posts!  From the original Sparks posts:

Welcome to Sparks. Many years ago, it was my intent to post an inspirational thought each Monday. It would be my weekly meditation, and perhaps feed other people's spirit as well. Life got busy, and this fell by the wayside. Now, I feel a strong need to bring this feature back. 
The negative energy in the world has become thick and oppressive. Social media has become a part of this dark, negative storm. There is an obvious universal need for more positive energy and peace. And, we can all be part of this affirmative change. 
I believe we are meant to be lights in this world. If we allow our light to shine, we can see where we are going. It is then that we can begin to truly see each other clearly. Together, we can light up the entire world!
I hope you will join us. Please link up a positive quote, thought, poem, or verse. The badge and code can be found in my sidebar. Add the badge to your post to invite others. The more, the merrier. I welcome your thoughts. Peace.


easyweimaraner said...

we exactly know what we did as we saw it in tv... and the weird thing is, we never turned on the tv that time... only this day was different... we think millions of people stilöl have all details of this day in their mind...

Lynn and Precious said...

I will never forget that morning staring at the television as the second plane hit the second tower. And like you the empty Crystal Clear Blue Skies for days on end without a single airplane. And the bad news day after day. We must not forget those that perished.

Eastside Cats said...

I happened to be in a TV studio that morning, part of my role at editor-in-chief of the office newsletter at a news-gathering seminar.
Therefore, when the first images hit the airwaves, we were involved instantly.
My chest tightens even now, as I relive those terrible hours.
We will never forget, and thank you to all of the first-responders.

Katie Isabella said...

I remember and will for the rest of my life. It was the most terrible thing I have seen.

Sandee said...

I vividly remember this day. I was still working. What a horrific day and I'll never forget.

Beautiful tribute.

Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Scritches to the kitties. ♥

The Menagerie Mom said...

I was 12 years old and in school on 9/11. The principal came into the classroom and passed a note to our teacher telling her what was going on. She then told us, and it was just confusion and fear for a long time after that. My heart goes out to all those who lost their lives or loved ones as a result of that day.

My Tata's Cottage said...

Thank you for remembering. I won't forget.

My Mind's Eye said...

I will never forget either
On September 6the we returned from a work trip to Budapest(3/4 days work for me) then sightseeing Bryan. Normally after these work trips we took extra days after the conference to take side trips. 2001 we did our side trip before the conference so we could be home in time for a wedding on September 7th. Many of the folks at the conference were in the air when all planes were told to land at the nearest airport. They landed in Canada. A very kind couple across the aisle from them heard them trying to find a hotel room. Which was impossible. The Canadian couple invited them to their home for 3 days.
Hugs Cecilia

Brian's Home Blog said...

We never ever will forget and we will always remember who did that to our Country.

Pam and Teddy said...

You know where we were - and what our story was - disbelief, worry about getting back into the USA since we were out of the country, unbelievable sadness........I don't think anyone who was around on the day will EVER forget one minute of it.

Hugs, Pam

pilch92 said...

That was such a sad day. XO

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

I had just gotten to work. We all crowded around my boss's desk to watch. I will never, ever forget.

Kitties Blue said...

Such a devastatingly awful day. Dad was working from home, and he and Mom had the Today Show, as they did every morning back then. They watched everything unfold from the first moment. It doesn’t seem like over 20 years have passed. Our citizens need to reflect on that horrific day and stop killing each other. Sending lots of love and paw hugs to Noelle from Sawyer. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, angel Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh

messymimi said...

I was getting the children ready for preschool/mother's day out.

My Sweetie called in a panic, but I had to hold it together and keep things calm and serene for the children. We all did, parents and teachers alike.

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

I was taking my now angels, Toki and Suki to the vet, and I had already heard all about it, they had not, so I told them and they turned on the TV in their lounge.
We had at that time a nearby base for A10's...they would practice a lot, but for days the sky was eerily quiet.

I sure hope we keep teaching the younger generations all about the importance of this day, how it changed all of our lives forever.

The Oceanside Animals said...

Charlee: "Our Dada was in a meeting in the conference room with the only television in the building, until somebody came and knocked on the door and said we needed to turn on the TV, and that was the end of the meeting ..."