December 5, 2023

The Adventures of Periwinkle and Stinky


As she always did on Tuesdays, Periwinkle woke up with butterflies in her tummy.  Well, not REAL ones but the kind you get when you are super excited about what the day will be like.  As she groomed her furs, she saw the Teleportation Tunnel start to wobble and, with a WOOOSH, out popped her boyfriend, Stinky.  They spent time paw patting and whisker kissing and enjoying a sun puddle.  Stinky mentioned how nice the weather was and Periwinkle said that the weather probably would mess up her plans for the day.  Stinky looked at her with a confused look but then she explained "I planned on visiting the manatees today since we had some really cold weather but I think they have already left."  Undaunted by this, they headed out to see if any manatees were around.  Periwinkle's Mom drove them.  She made sure they were safely buckled up and off they went.

As Periwinkle feared, the manatees were all gone.  They looked all over...

Even though they were disappointed there were no manatees, the tabbies enjoyed spending time together holding paws and talking.

Of course, Stinky couldn't resist climbing on a rock...

 And they both agreed they would NOT feed or harass the crocodiles!!

Periwinkle took out her phone and called her Mom and they headed back to her house.

Periwinkle asked Stinky if he would like to meet the newest Florida Furkid.  He had no idea she had a new fursib and went with her when she took his paw and led him outside to the pool.  He thought it was strange that she was giggling the whole time.

"Meet my new fursib!  We haven't named him yet, maybe our followers will come up with a name for us"

Stinky laughed and tried NOT to roll his eyes.  Periwinkle explained that her Mom bought this cool robotic pool cleaner and they all loved watching him run in the pool.  Of course, neither tabby wanted to get their furs wet so they headed into the house.

Periwinkle said there was another part to their Adventure which was telling their followers about National Cat Lover's Month.  They agreed there really didn't need to be a special month for that but they wanted to share more information about it.

"This special month has been celebrated since the mid-1990s to recognize both cats and cat lovers all over the world" said Periwinkle.  Stinky added that this would be a nice time to give your cat extra treats which made Periwinkle start giggling again.  Reading books about cats (or gifting a cat loving friend with one or more) would be another nice way to celebrate.  Periwinkle shared a link to a place for FREE Cat lovers books.

She also showed Stinky a timeline of the history of cats

Periwinkle turned around and couldn't find Stinky.  Needless to say, the urge to climb got to him and she found him on the entertainment center in the middle of the Christmas village.

The two decided to take a quick catnap and spent time whisker kissing and paw patting.  Periwinkle apologized for an Adventure that didn't turn out as planned and promised she would let him know when the manatees came back.  

Stinky visited with Periwinkle's fursibs, thanked her Mom for the ride and headed to the Teleportation Tunnel.  Blowing her one last kiss, he teleported back home.

Periwinkle and Stinky would like to remind you to send them your suggestions for the new "fursib" pool cleaner.  They'll tell you what they choose on their next adventure.


easyweimaraner said...

wow now we know how manatees look... the mama calls the phenny sometimes a manatee... he is sour now hahahahaha

Pam and Teddy said...

First of all the blog looks VERY Christmasy! Second we wanna know where the manatees are if not in their usual spots? We know they go to the canals to be warm but where are they now????? And last but not least, we think the new fursib's name might be "Bizzee" because he certainly is busy keeping the pool clean.

Hugs, Teddy

Kitties Blue said...

We like the name Mom Pam suggested for the new pool cleaning machine! Our mom likes your Christmas village. Stinky is always happy to spend time with Periwinkle, no matter what they do! XOCK, angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh. Sawyer sends a bajillion paw hugs and all his love to Noelle.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

wavez two ewe P & S…we noe ewe iz sorree knot ta bee abe bull
two see de manateez….we R sorree two….iz they still in dee oh shun
waitin ta come in a bit later ? stinky…we cracked up when we saw
ewe on dee entertainment center….dood ya shulda singed everee one
a 🎵 song 🎵🎵
may bee ewe can call de new dood…clum zee…he kept hittin de pool
wallz 😺😺😺😺🙀🙀🙀💙🐟‼️
tell mom S ewe knead sum fish in ther💙💙💙

My Mind's Eye said...

I agree with Teddy and I love that your first photo showed you always buckle up when on the road.
I meant to tell you a Manatee was spotted in the Sound on our coast about a month ago. It appeared to be heading South but how it got so far north is a mystery
Hugs Cecilia

Sandee said...

You two always have such fun on your weekly adventures. Thanks for taking us along.

Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Scritches to the kitties and my best to your moms. ♥

Brian's Home Blog said...

You two always have fun no matter what! I don't know what to name the new robot, maybe Flipper!

pilch92 said...

That is a cool new cleaner. Thanks for the link to free books. XO

Katie Isabella said...

You little sweeties. Love you both bunches.

meowmeowmans said...

You two always have such fun together!

That new robot is super cool.

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Awww, too bad the Manatees had left.

That robotic pool cleaner looks like it likes to swim all day long. LIke those robotic vacuum cleaners. Petcretary would love on of those!

messymimi said...

Sometimes the best adventure is just spending time with someone you care about.