March 26, 2024

The Adventures of Periwinkle and Stinky

 Periwinkle nervously paced back and forth in front of the Teleportation Tunnel.  She hoped Stinky would enjoy their day together even though she only had a couple of things planned.  As always, she checked her furs to make sure she looked as nice as possible before Stinky's arrival.  The familiar rumble and WOOSH sent him flying right into her waiting paws.  The tabbies spent some time whisker kissing and paw patting and catching up on the previous week when, as expected, Stinky asked what the plan was for the day.  

"I have a couple things planned for today but first we're heading to the beach so I can show you the beach restoration.  There are all kinds of big trucks and machinery that I thought you would like to see as long as your promise NOT to get into trouble."  Blushing because he knew he had a tendency to get into trouble, Stinky promised so the two headed off to the beach.

Stinky was in awe of the large equipment (as Periwinkle knew he would be)  She reminded him of his promise to behave.   First they watched the surveyor measure the mean low water.  Periwinkle explained that the storms of the previous years had taken away a lot of the sand and this project was to help bring it back.

Periwinkle showed Stinky a graphic that explained how the sand was being replenished.

Stinky looked upset and said "What about the turtles that come to nest?  Won't they be hurt?"  Periwinkle explained that the replenishment would stop when turtle season started or if a nest was spotted.  Stinky looked relieved.

Of course, Stinky had to check out the big machines...

Periwinkle was relieved that he did not get into trouble and only went as close as the workers would allow him.  They took a short video to show how things were being done...

Worried that Stinky would not be able to control himself and get into trouble, Periwinkle suggested they return to her house and she would show him more about the beach replenishment AND they could check out the Easter decorations and enjoy a snack.

Back at the house she led him to the laptop and they read about the project.  Click HERE to see what they read.

Eager to check out the decorations (and unable to keep himself from climbing) Stinky headed right up to see the bunnies on the entertainment center.  

Periwinkle rolled her eyes but secretly was proud of him for showing such control around the big machines

Periwinkle showed him the Bunny nutcracker....

 and the easter egg lights on the divider.  She held her breath wondering if he was going to whap them but he didn't!

As was their tradition, they took a selfie with the bunny...

They were both hungry and Periwinkle's Mom served them a snack.

"This was a fun adventure," said Stinky.  "Well, there is one more thing I would like to share with our friends even though it's not a fun thing it's impawtent" said Periwinkle.

Periwinkle continued, "Today is Purple Day which is a day to increase awareness about Epilepsy.  I thought it would be nice to share a link to the Five Sibes Purple day to increase awareness about Canine epilepsy.  As our readers know, your fursib Sawyer has feline epilepsy and people need to know that we pets can have it too.  My fursib Angel Raz had a couple of seizures and we were all very frightened when that happened.  We're purring and praying that nobody, human or pet, has to have this awful disease.

You can read more about Purple Day by clicking HERE.

Soon it was time for Stinky to head home.  The tabbies spent some time whisker kissing and paw patting and then Stinky headed into the Teleportation Tunnel to head home.  He blew one last kiss and, wish a WOOOSH, headed home.

Periwinkle went off to find her fursibs and tell them about her day at the beach!


Leah said...

Looks like a fun visit, at the beach, and with all those colorful Easter decorations!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

It seems they had QUITE an adventure!

Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat (Katherine Kern) said...

That is A LOT of sand!

Lynn and Precious said...

We are glad to see that things are being readied fur the baby turtles soon this summer. And what fun Easter decorations to be looked at! Very cheerful so thank you.
Lynn knows about epilepsy in hoomans, as her dad lived with it, and she has known of doggies with it.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

P and S… what a grate add venturez two day…and stinky…eye due knot
blame ya buddy, eye wood like ta haz gotten in de big mooover two…
afturr all, it iz a CAT ๐Ÿ›Ÿ๐Ÿšง⚓️ thatz a lot oh sandz ta play in….uh….moove ‼️‼️

periwinkle yur mom haz her houz decorated total lee awesum for hare day
way kewl ๐ŸŒธ๐Ÿ’š

just think, when all thoz dino ๐Ÿฆ–๐Ÿฆ–๐Ÿฆ– eggz hatchez, what a awesum time
ewe will haz ๐ŸŸ๐ŸŸ๐Ÿ˜บ‼️

My Mind's Eye said...

Stinky you are such a fun daredevil...I almost didn't see you up there, Periwinkle I love the bunny nut cracker
Hugs Cecilia

Sandee said...

Getting ready for the season is a fun adventure. You do do the coolest things.

Love all the Easter decorations. Beautiful. I love the colors of Easter.

Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Scritches to you both and my best to your wonderful moms. ♥

messymimi said...

What fun, to see the beach being restored. I'm glad they stop during turtle nesting season.

Katie Isabella said...

Oh, you two Mom and I both loved your adventure and we know all of those beaches so well. Mom does, that is. She wishes she was there. And thank goodness they are watching out for the turtles.

pilch92 said...

I never realized sand needed replenishing. Beautiful Easter decorations. XO

Kitties Blue said...

We are happy Stinky behaved himself. The Easter decorations look great. We did not know that today is Purple Day or anything about it. Mom says that she’ll try to remember it for next year. Stinky loved spending the day with Periwinkle. Sawyer sends Noelle oodles of purrs and all his love. XOCK, angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh

Brian's Home Blog said...

Well, that was sure fun you two and the turtles are all very special!

meowmeowmans said...

Wow, look at all that sand! We're glad they are sensitive to the turtles!

Pam and Teddy said...

The beach erosion everywhere is a big problem but isn't it grand that they "resupply" it to keep it looking beautiful so people (and animals) can enjoy the sandy beach.....this was a fun way to spend an "Adventure Day" together for P&S!!

Hugs, Teddy

FiveSibesMom said...

That's a busy beach! My grandson will love to see your "big trucks" in the video!

I love your Easter decorations, especially the egg lights in the divider. Very creative!

Thank you for joining us in our Purple Day blog hop and for "going purple" in support of epilepsy that affects dogs, cats, and humans. (Even horses and bunnies). I hope Sawyer and Raz's seizure monsters stay away. ๐Ÿ’œ

FiveSibesMom said...

PS - I just read about your dear Raz...I am so very sorry...sending teary hugs.