February 22, 2022

The Adventures of Periwinkle and Stinky


Periwinkle woke up early because she was so excited that her boyfriend Stinky was coming to visit today.  She  waited all week for Tuesdays to come.  As she sat by the Teleportation Tunnel she daydreamed about her handsome guy and then with a WOOSH, there he was in her arms.  The two spent time whisker kissing and catching up on the past week.

"Remember a few weeks ago when we visited the Manatees?" asked Periwinkle.  "I sure do" said Stinky.  Periwinkle explained that the cold weather right after his visit brought even more Manatees in.  She led him to her Mom's computer to show him a video.

"Are we going back there today?" asked Stinky.  Periwinkle said they were actually staying at her house but that they had an important message to share with their friends.

"Today is a special day" said Periwinkle.  Stinky laughed and asked if they were celebrating National Walk Your Dog Day.  Periwinkle looked at him and they both started giggling and then were laughing so hard they could hardly stop.   "Silly boy, neither one of us has a dog" said Periwinkle.  They started to giggle again but eventually Stinky asked what their plan was.

"Well we really should celebrate TWOSDAY!" said Periwinkle.  That got them giggling again!!

Once they settled down again, Periwinkle said "Today is important because it is World Spay Day. 

 It's part of Spay and Neuter Awareness Month.  Each year many dogs and cats and other animals are euthanized because they don't have responsible owners.  We're lucky because our parents made sure we were so we wouldn't add to the number of homeless pets" said Periwinkle.  Stinky agreed that was an important message and then said "So, if we got married someday we wouldn't have kittens"  At the thought of marrying Stinky, Periwinkle blushed and smiled but said that was true.  

Periwinkle said that the  Doris Day Animal League founded Spay Day USA in 1994 to bring attention to the pet overpopulation problem in the United States and encourage animal population control by neutering pets. The movement later spread globally and is now known as World Spay Day.  She then shared the following facts:
  •  Spay Day USA is a day of awareness of both neutering and spaying.
  • In spite of what some people think, Spaying or neutering has to be done at an early age, before the first heat for females and before the 6 months for males.
  • Quite a lot of states in the USA and countries around the world have programs at a lower cost.  There are lots of places around that do this which makes it an affordable surgery for many.
  • Neutering or spaying at an early age also helps in nixing aggression levels.
  • It has been observed that neutered dogs focus more on the owners and do not wander away either.
  • Neutering your cat will help prevent spraying.

"I hope you weren't bored with our Adventure today, but I think it's an important message we need to share.  We're lucky because our families have made sure neither one of us or our fursibs will add to overpopulation" said Periwinkle.  Stinky told Periwinkle he was impurressed with all the information she found. 

"That was a lot of work and it sure made me hungry" said Stinky.  Since it was a nice day, the two headed for the pool deck to enjoy a snack.  Stinky was surprised at how green everything was since it was still cold at his house. 

After snacks, the tabbies decided to take a short nap, and then Stinky visited with Periwinkle's Mom and fursibs.  Too soon it was time for Stinky to enter the Teleportation Tunnel to head home.  The two spent some more time whisker kissing and paw patting and then Stinky entered the tunnel.  He blew a final kiss to Periwinkle and with a WOOSH was on his way home.

Periwinkle wiped a tear and headed to her favorite napping spot to dream of Stinky and their next Adventure.


easyweimaraner said...

it is an important message we sooo agree....

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Oh for sure...we need to tell all about this urgent need for our furry ones. And we are...as were all the others here before us.

We heard petcretary giggle a lot too...when she read about 2/22/22! She hadn't even thought of that!

Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat (Katherine Kern) said...

Spaying and neutering are so important! Not only do they decrease or eliminate most behavioral issues, but they are also better for most cats' health. You two did a great job of making the case to spay and neuter!

Katie Isabella said...

MY mom is always for spay and neuter. I wish the Vets would make it more possible for the average pet owner. Most charge a lot to do this procedure. Their livelihood is the dogs and cats after all. Mom said I was kinda sharp there, but I have to wonder why they charge so much for something simple.

Pam and Teddy said...

A very good cause! Spay and neuter would certainly keep over population of cats and dogs more under control - fewer homeless animals. It's something we need to address NOW and not LATER. It makes Mom and I so very sad to see so many homeless animals in shelters or wandering the streets. What a GREAT thing for Stinky and Periwinkle to focus on today and talk to all of us about.

2-22-22....how can we ever forget today?

Hugs, Teddy

Brian's Home Blog said...

Such important messages you two, bravo!

My Mind's Eye said...

OMCs what a wonderful and informative post.
Stinky and Periwinkle well done!!
Hugs cecilia

Sandee said...

Such fun and no I didn't know. Wow.

Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Scritches to the kitties. ♥

Kitties Blue said...

We are so proud of Periwinkle and Stinky for sharing this very important message with everybody. Kittens and puppies are adorable and everyone loves them, but too much a good thing can be bad, and that is the definite situation if humans ignore this important practice. Way to go you too! Sawyer sends Noelle a bajillion whisker kisses, purrs and all his love. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, angel Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer & Kizmet

da tabbies o trout towne said...

guyz....yur addventurez iz never boring....we N joyed knot onlee de moovee and we hope de manteez iz still safe, but we all sew N joyed lurnin bout spay day.....thiz lezzon waz WAY better N de stuff they teeech in skewl AND.. LUNCH BRAKE waz grate all sew :) ♥♥♥

Chuck Huss said...

Several years ago we were on my father-in-law's boat at Sebastian inlet, about 25 or 30 miles south of Sattelite Beach. There we saw a group of people in the water so we got out of the boat and joined them. There were several manatees swiming around so we just stood there and put our hands out and pet them as they swam around us. It was one of the coolest things I have ever done.

pilch92 said...

I am all for spay and neuter- the younger , the better. Thanks for spreading the word Periwinkle and Stinky! XO

meowmeowmans said...

Excellent message, sweet pals. Thank you for reminding us all about spaying and neutering!