Periwinkle hopped into the Teleportation Tunnel to meet Stinky. She hoped they both set their coordinates correctly since they were going to their cottage. She didn't have to worry because they both popped out of their Tunnels simultaneously and fell into each other's paws. Stinky said, "Periwinkle, it's so nice to come to our cottage for New Year's Eve. Did you invite our fursibs too?" Periwinkle said she did not because she thought it would be nice for them to have a special evening together. "Did you bring your tuxedo?" she asked. Stinky said he did but wondered why. Periwinkle encouraged him to go put it on while she went to change too. "WOW, you look beautiful," said Stinky. Periwinkle told him she thought he looked very handsome. He blushed and noted that she was wearing her engagement collar.
Paw in paw they walked to the garden as they talked about their week since Christmas and how nice it was to have dinner together on Christmas Eve.
Stinky gasped when he saw their gazebo. "OMC, Periwinkle, you've created such an elegant place for us to have dinner" he exclaimed. Periwinkle pointed out the musician and the waiter saying they would enjoy their dinner without lifting a paw!
The tabbies had a leisurely dinner and held paws and looked lovingly into each other's eyes. Periwinkle got some butter from her lobster on her furs and Stinky giggled and helped her clean her furs. They sipped nip champagne and savored the food and their time together.
When they were finished, Periwinkle led him into their living room which she had decorated for New Year's. Periwinkle said, "I thought it would be fun to sit here by the fire and remember the fun Adventures we had this year." Stinky agreed. They both had favorites that they wanted to share.
"Of course, Valentine's Day is always a favorite," said Periwinkle adding that she especially enjoyed the love letters they wrote each other. Click HERE to see that post and read their letters.
They both said they liked sharing St Gertrude of Nivelles, Patron Saint of Cats, with their friends. Click HERE to see that post.
"The Tallahassee Museum was fun too," said Stinky. Click HERE to see that post. Periwinkle rolled her eyes as she remembered Stinky on the zipline!
"One of the highlights for me was when we went to the Olympics and you won a medal. I was soooo proud of you even though it was for climbing," said Periwinkle. Click HERE to see Stinky and his medal.
Everyone always enjoys the Blessing of the Pets. Click HERE to see that post.
Stinky added, "The Neptune festival was fun too. I especially liked the sand sculpture we did." Click (HERE) to see this one. He also mentioned World Animal Enrichment day (HERE)
Holding paws they thought of all the other fun Adventures they had. Visiting cat museums all over the world and fun events locally.
"We really are two lucky tabbies" they both said!!
Periwinkle and Stinky had purrmission from their parents to stay overnight since they didn't want to be traveling after their nip champagne. They had one more toast, whisker kissed and said "Happy New Year" and quickly fell asleep.
What fun it was spending New Years Eve with Stinky and Periwinkle in their beautiful cottage. They are so lucky to have each other to celebrate with and have fun with. Here's to a whole new year of adventures for our two lovebirds!!!
Hugs, Happy New Year, and LOVE always, Pam and Teddy
That was fun sweeties and I know 2025 will be wonderful for you too! Happy New Years Eve!
a most happee 25 two ewe P and S and thanx for all de fun add venturez thiz yeer…me and de gurl troo lee N joy em…itz hard ta pix a fave…for sure…yur cottage iz pawsum decorated and wavez two ewe waiter…who lookz familiar ‼️🎊🎊💙🐟😺
What a wonderful adventure. I know you will have a fabulous 2025. I'll be here to follow next years adventures.
Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.
Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Scritches to the kitties and a hug to your moms. ♥
What a great New Years post. Happy New Year.
Periwinkle, you planned the purrfect day and evening for us. The elaborate dinner with a waiter and music was amazing. I am so happy we had this time together to remember some of our fun adventures from 2024. I cannot wait for 2025 and 52 more amazing adventures with you. Love and whisker kisses, Stinky. 🎉🥂
Periwinkle, that was the best planned feast ever and the gazebo was delightful. The waiter was a terrific idea and you both looked like a million! Stinky, you were happy and grateful for all the work Periwinkle went through...and happy sleep time to you both.
Such a nice way to spend New Year's Eve. XO
Charlee: "Coziest cottage ever!"
What a delightful way to spend New Year's Eve! It's fun to reminisce with you both.
You both look fantastic, Periwinkle and Stinky. What a purrfect way to spend New Years Eve together. We also loved the band, so cute😸😸Double Pawkisses for a Happy New Year to the both of you🐾😽💞
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