March 8, 2022

The Adventures of Periwinkle and Stinky

 Periwinkle was daydreaming of her boyfriend when all of a sudden she hear the familiar WOOSH which made her jump!  Stinky bounded out of the Teleportation Tunnel and they both fell over giggling and holding on to each other.

"What were you daydreaming about?" asked Stinky.  Periwinkle blushed and said she was daydreaming about the time they were going to spend together.  Stinky was happy to hear that Periwinkle was thinking of HIM.  They spent some time whisker kissing and catching up on the previous week.  Soon it was time to head out for their Adventure.

"Where are we going today?" asked Stinky.  "Not too far but we're going to take the Teleportation Tunnel to save time" replied Periwinkle.  They held paws and jumped into the tunnel to head to their destination.

With a WOOSH they arrived.  "Where are we?" asked Stinky.  Periwinkle said they were in Vero Beach which is only 40 miles from her house and were at the McKee Botanical Gardens. 

The two tabbies held paws and began exploring.   First they went to Grand Central.

They were both amazed at the stick sculptures.  Perwinkle told Stinky this was called Grand Central, and was woven out of willow reeds twists and arches through a grove of royal palms forming rooms and spaces to explore.  Both agreed this looked like loads of fun.  They spent some time wandering around and even stopped to sharpen their claws a couple of times.

Next, they headed through a path that was nice and cool and filled with greenery.  Stinky mentioned that he was surprised at how warm it was where Periwinkle lived.  She said they were having super hot weather but it was nice in this shade.

As they continued their walk, Periwinkle let out a loud SQUEEE and Stinky turned around to see what she was looking at.  Both of them gasped and said "OMG, a LIZARD!"  The lizard was part of the display of animals made of Legos!

They found the pirate ship in the Children's Garden.  Of course, Stinky had to climb to the top!

They looked at the White Orchid display in the Spanish Kitchen.

And Stinky had to get his paws wet in the Waterfall!

The were amazed at the Flip Flop art.

"There sure are some beautiful pieces of artwork nestled in the gardens" said Stinky.  Periwinkle agreed as they passed a beautiful display.

Before they had to head home they decided to stop at the Garden Cafe for lunch.  They both remarked at how nice the selection of Fancy Feast and Temptations was in spite of the shortages everywhere.

They got into the Teleportation Tunnel and headed back to Periwinkle's house where they spent some time cuddling, whisker kissing and holding paws.  Stinky visited with Periwinkle's Mom and fursibs and, too quickly, it was time for him to leave.  He got into the Teleportation Tunnel, blew another kiss to Periwinkle and headed home.  Periwinkle sighed and went to find her fursibs to tell them about her day.


easyweimaraner said...

what a wonderful place! we love that arches, that is amazing!!!

My Mind's Eye said...

OH MY CATS Periwinkle hand on to Stinky. Your guy knows al the best places to take you.
Technicolor lizards and dolphins are wonderful
Hugs Cecilia

Kitties Blue said...

What a terrific place. We are all happy that some of it was saved. We bet the area was amazing when it was first created. The art work and waterfall are our favorites. Mom and all of us are so happy that Periwinkle and Stinky had such a great time. They are lucky tabbies to be able to have such terrific adventures. Sawyer sends Noelle oodles of whisker kisses and all his love. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, angel Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer & Kizmet

Pam and Teddy said...

Gosh that place is wonderful! So many cool and beautiful things to see! That was quite a fun trip for the dynamic duo!

Hugs, Teddy

Sandee said...

Oh what a fun adventure. I would love to see this in person.

Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Scritches to the kitties. ♥

da tabbies o trout towne said...

GUYS !!!!!! how total lee kewl iz thiz garden.....we N joyed thiz toor veree much and we iz like.....oh em cod, flipper iz made outta FLIP flops....AWESUM ☺☺☺

and noe doubt that arch wood be like de BEST ta test yur clawz...on :)

we hope ewe can come bak heer again for PIE RATZ day in septemburr; that ship wood be de BEST !!! ☺☺♥♥

pilch92 said...

That was a fun date. I like the flip flop art. XO

Unknown said...

A great visit to a fantabulous place. They really had a good time.

meowmeowmans said...

That was such a fun place to visit! We loved the stick sculptures and the pirate ship!

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

That place is quite amazing! Loved all the brightly colored art and sculptures.

Katie Isabella said...

MY gosh, you two had a wonderful time and filled the day with such fun things to remember later when you went back home. Great treats too!